Friday, February 29, 2008

ICSE '08 - Day 1

I haven't blogged since the beginning of this year, and I'm sorry about that. I just never got around to blogging. Whether it was the pre-prelim stress, prelim nonsense, post-prelim fun and then February (more studying >.<).

Anyway, I thought I would do a general blog post today. Also, I'm going to blog about the entire ICSE experience.

I'm currently obsessed. Not with Tokio Hotel (yes, NOT with Tokio Hotel. I mean I still love them and I'm still the biggest fan, but they're not my current obsession. I'm STILL in love with Bill :D). My latest obsession is my favorite anime/show ever - One Piece. From the story, to the characters, to the soundtracks, to the dialogues - I LOVE THE SHOW. Also, as desperate as this may seem, I am in love with a couple of characters from One Piece. And Bill of course. I want to remember this some years from now. One Piece is just plain brilliant and I would've written a review, but I'm short on time, so for anyone whose interested, here's the link.

Coming back to today, the 29th of February, the first day of the ICSE board exams. Surprisingly, I woke up on time and was even ready to go on time (except for the part where I cut my nails in the car. That doesn't count). Our first exam was English 1 (language). In school, some people were panicking, others were relaxing, some other few were just going through grammar and specimen papers. We entered the hall at nine. I expected myself to be really nervous once inside the hall, but I was strangely calm. The whole time, during the introductary speeches and the Prayer, I remained pretty relaxed. As the papers were being handed out, I could actually sense the tension in the hall. But once the papers had finally been given out, everyone seemed to instantly relax. It was a simple paper, though the essay topics weren't all that great. After the exam, almost everyone seemed satisfied. We exited the hall to find a huge group of parents standing at the steps of the Admin Block cheering. If you ask me, the parents seemed more anxious than the children. We even ran into the 12th graders ! :)

All in all, it was MUCH better than I expected. Not just the paper, the whole atmosphere.

So until the next time (3rd March) ! :)