Monday, August 20, 2007

Tokio Hotel

I said my next post would be about Tokio Hotel. But even one HUGE post isn't enough to cover the amazingness of Tokio Hotel. They're the most successful teenage band ever.

So, to all you non - Tokio Hotel fans, go hear a couple of their songs.

Here are some of my favorites (along with the German versions) :

Monsoon [Durch Den Monsun]
Scream [Schrei]
Don't Jump [Spring Nicht]
Rescue Me [Rette Mich]
Ready, Set, Go! [Ubers Ende Der Welt]
Final Day [Der Letzte Tag]

Tokio Hotel's a German band who've always sung in German and are the most successful band in Germany. But then they re - recorded their 2nd album (Zimmer 483) in English. That resulted in international fame for them. I love their German songs and English ones. Currently, Monsoon is #2 on the European Top 20 and #2 on the international Rock Charts.

The band members are the twins, Bill and Tom Kaulitz [Lead singer and Guitarist], Georg Listing [Bassist] and Gustav Schäfer [Drummer].

Well, what more can I say? They're brilliant and I just hope they come to Dubai soon! :D

On a random note, today's Rajiv Gandhi's birthday. So happy birthday to him! :)


rishika said...

i love you for this post... =)

it's just sad though..not too many people will see it.. =(

Juhi said...


*cry sob*

okay that was because....well, not because i love them so much because that would be little too stupid, but because....

*sniff blownose*


Shalaka, Rishika, we are Pardners In....uhh...Tokio Hotel song-listening???:S:S:S

Shalaka said...

Pretty much. :D

And Bill is mine. ALL MINE :)

Anonymous said...

That is very cool! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good words.