Maybe it's because I have better things to rejoice about?
Haha, I do hope that's the reason. I've always been extremely vocal about 'happy things'(die EVS, die) and a logical explanation to my unexpressiveness (is that a word?) would be that I have happier things to be vocal about. Hmm .. such as?
My awesome three-four months of holidays.
Tokio Hotel playing their first concert in Asia. Not that they're playing here, but still. I am easily pleased when it comes to Tokio Hotel.
The end of high school. I'm going to BE a cliche and say 'bittersweet'.
Finally, a chance to focus on music during these next few months where I'll have lots of time to work on covers and other things with Aparna. :)
On a completely random note, I plan on naming every single blog post of mine after a song. I have no idea why, so please don't ask. :)
Please forgive me for the unbelievably short posts. I promise you longer and more detailed ones once these stupid exams are over.
Song of the minute: