Friday, March 19, 2010

Dance, Dance!

I had originally planned to do a sort of exam by exam blog for the ISC board exams, but somehow I just didn't feel upto it. This 'board' experience is insanely different from my previous one. Back then, being done with Geography for ever (okay, in the foreseeable future) actually mattered. Actually meant something. But now, I don't really care. It doesn't matter that I'm done with EVS forever (no seriously, forever). It's great, but no real reason to celebrate.

Maybe it's because I have better things to rejoice about?
Haha, I do hope that's the reason. I've always been extremely vocal about 'happy things'(die EVS, die) and a logical explanation to my unexpressiveness (is that a word?) would be that I have happier things to be vocal about. Hmm .. such as?

My awesome three-four months of holidays.

TRAVELLING. Damn, I love travelling! I can't wait to go back to Bangalore for a week (and then maybe a visit to Spain or Singapore).
Tokio Hotel playing their first concert in Asia. Not that they're playing here, but still. I am easily pleased when it comes to Tokio Hotel.

The end of high school. I'm going to BE a cliche and say 'bittersweet'.

Finally, a chance to focus on music during these next few months where I'll have lots of time to work on covers and other things with Aparna. :)


On a completely random note, I plan on naming every single blog post of mine after a song. I have no idea why, so please don't ask. :)

Please forgive me for the unbelievably short posts. I promise you longer and more detailed ones once these stupid exams are over.

Song of the minute:

Monday, March 01, 2010

Radio Hysteria!

The board exams begin day after tomorrow. Finally, the end-of-high-school exams and probably the last Indian Syllabus based exam I'm going to have to give (please do let it be so).

It's about time really.

As much as I've been dreading these exams, I must confess that I've been somewhat waiting for them as well. The sooner these ridiculously long exams end, the sooner we're officially done. I have been wondering off late though (I often, OFTEN, drift off while reading Macbeth), what will I be done with? School, yes definitely. I'll be done with the 'attending school' bit, but will I really be finished with this school?

I ask too many questions and I answer too few.

Honestly, though?
I doubt I will be done done with school. I've just been around it for too long - Having spent 13 years of my 17 (yes, seventeen *happy dance*) year long life in one place doesn't make it easy to try and be 'done' with it. So why try, right?

On a completely unrelated note,
Tokio Hotel released their latest album, Humanoid a few months ago, and what can I say? I'm in love with them. All. Over. Again. :) 

Song of the minute: 
Darkside of the Sun - Tokio Hotel