I am officially in love with this picture. I have no idea why.
It reminds me of something being destroyed, and yet I love it. It's so creepy and strange. I still love it. In reality, it was just me messing around with the 'environmental' EEG folder when I was bored.
My perception :
It's like a huge hand wiping out everything else. The birds, the trees. I may sound a little crazy but I don't know - I guess it's my analysis. Scratching out the bird, the rainbow and the trees.
When I first saw the picture, it reminded me of destruction. I don't know why. Divya thought I was killing the bird(excuseee mua:P).
Another person I showed it too said, "It looks like a landmass getting up (the bones jutting out indicate mountains I guess:S)."
I thought that was a pretty interesting way of looking at it. Imaginative.
Someone else said it resembled an animal. I guess if you don't think of it as a hand, then it may appear as different things to different people.
I believe in the saying, "A picture says a thousand words." So I think I'll leave the rest to the picture.
What do you think it looks like?