Saturday, March 29, 2008


Yes yes, I know I was supposed to blog on the last two exam days also, but I just couldn't bring myself to.

There wasn't much to write anyway. They were boring days to be honest. On the Maths day, I read a book (The Manny - Holly Peterson) until 15 minutes before we had to enter the exam hall. That's how boring those two days were. Both the exams went pretty good. I don't even want to think about all that anymore. I'm done. WE're done. We're all happily done with the ICSE Board experience.

It was SO much better than expected. The days flew by ! I thought they would draaaag on, but nope, they flew by. Thankfully.

After the boards, I haven't had even ONE meal at home. I've been out from the morning till the night. There's just so much we've been doing. After all, we've got to enjoy the 4 - 5 days we have until school reopens (the first). I've watched so many movies, that I don't want to watch anymore ! We've been ice-skating and we're going to the beach. Both extremes. I'm pretty much having a blast.

I'm dreading school reopening. To be really honest, it's not because we'll have work and responsibilities, it's because it'll be empty. School won't be the same without some of the most awesome people I've ever known who happen to be leaving. And I'm not just talking about the tenth graders who're leaving. I don't even know what to say to you guys. I think I'm kind of in a state of denial. The whole 'maybe-if-i-pretend-it's-not-happening,-it'll-go-away' phase. I'm a total loser.

I'm also talking about the twelfth graders. Or as they're now known, "the ex-students". I refuse to call you guys that though.

This year's seniormost batch has been the best ever.

Shweta, with her painting, dancing, doggies and just plain ol' fun-ness. I'll miss seeing you running around everywhere with a lil notepad ticking off the things you've finished doing.

Illika, or rather, Illipiggy. My dancing buddy. I'm gonna miss every single thing you've ever done. The make-up, the pig nose, the ballet, the silly jokes, everything.

Zeba, Zebzii, one of the greatest headgirls I've known. You've always been awesome ! You know, except the whole 'get-that-chain-off-now-thing'. :P (kidding)

Srishti, Gole, the funniest house-captain I know ! Aquila won't be the same without you. You, laughing when you're supposed to be angry, and always saying the word 'nonsense'.

Michelle, I'll miss your jokes, and your basketball games, and everything you do, including the funny faces. :D

Amanda, you helped tie our group together during the music competition and none of it would've been possible without you. You've been fantastic !

Wynette, or Wynnieeeee, my hyperactive friend ! My SFS / dance friend :D You're the funniest person I know.
Karishma, or Karima, you're a wonderful person and it's always been fun just hanging out with you before assembly :D
Neha, you've got to be one of the most helpful people I know. Just amazing :)

Adhitya, well, I know I've given you blood pressure over the past year. I'm sorry :P I'm gonna miss debating with you. I actually stopped being THAT scared after a while. And, you've suggested some of the best songs I've ever heard. :D

Rajiv, haha, you were the coolest headboy I've ever known. Just plain great !

Priyank, or MUCH rather, Peekster-kun. I don't even know what to say to you. You're my second anime buddy. You introduced me to my current life-force, namely One Piece. You made MSN more interesting ! You're an awesomee friend :D

Rohan, again, you're one of the funniest people I know. You made the music room more interesting (if that's even possible). You're just fun :D

Udai, my doughnut obsessed friend. You're the most random guy I know (in a good way). You've always made me laugh, and you're a great guy ! :D

All of you. Every single person in this year's twelfth grade batch. You've all been brilliant. I'm a terrible person when it comes to farewells. TERRIBLE. I never know what to say. So excuse this. But, I just needed to let you all know how great you've been. And, how much you're going to be missed. Which is a lot. You've made a difference in many people's lives. Mine, being one of those many lives. Before I mess this up any further, I'll stop. I really am going to miss all of you. School won't be the same without you guys. Best of luck with everything you guys ever attempt in life. Just continue being amazing :P

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I don't really know how to express my happiness.

The title explains it all !



That's it. I'm done. DONE with Geography and History ! Done with maps, climatic conditions, crops, minerals, industries and all the other nonsense that Geography is (I don't mean to offend anyone who loves the subject, it's just that I despise it, so I'm free to express my immense dislike). History was still a good subject. I liked History. In fact, I might even miss it a little bit.

But Geography ?

No WAY. I've hated that subject since the eighth grade, and now, I'm finally done with it. Forever.

Anyway, getting back to talking about the board exams.

I was REALLY nervous for History, even though I had actually studied properly (didn't sleep much though). Everyone was all over the place for History. After all, we had around 25 - 30 chapters.

I don't even remember much about History. THIS is why I should blog on the exam day itself.
It was a pretty good paper !

The day before Geography was hell. I didn't study on the day we came back from History, and I didn't really feel like studying on the day before the Geography exam either. Geography was the first exam I wasn't AT ALL serious for. I just lazed around, wasting time, and studying in bits and pieces (small bits and pieces). Eventually, I decided to even leave two - three chapters since we would have ten questions to choose from, and we only had to choose five. I have never approved of selective studying in my life. It always makes me panic so much that I can't sleep. Just what IF the chapter I left came in the exam, and I was forced to do it ?

On the other hand, on Geo day, I happily left three chapters out, convinced that I would do the other questions. I only actually got serious about studying at 11.30 in the night. I ended up sleeping at 5, and getting up at 7.40. Sigh. And I even HAD THE TIME to study !

I wasn't even all that tense before the exam. Everyone was scattered on the Geography day too.

The Geography paper went well. I attempted the stuff I had studied and the maps were brilliant ! Of course, this doesn't mean that taking risks before a board exam is a good choice. I regretted it the whole time. Or atleast, until I saw the paper. I didn't regret it at all then. :P

It's alright now though. Geography is over !

And, now we have a ten day break for Math. Then Commercial Applications, and then the Boards, the 'oh-so-dreaded' Boards shall be FINISHED. It's exciting ! :D

I'm off now.

Monday, March 10, 2008

ICSE '08 - Day 4 and 5 [No More Hindi]

I'm combining my EVE and Hindi blogposts because I was way too lazy to blog on the 7th. I also don't have much to say for either. :S

Well, from what I remember of the 7th (EVE exam day), I was sort of panicking (since my preparation wasn't exactly what I had pictured it to be and I'd ended up getting 2.5 hours of sleep) and so were many others . There was a LOT of last minute nonsense and aromatherapy involved outside the hall. Thanks Mini ! :D

In the end, I made up stuff and it worked out, because, well, it's EVE.


We're actually done with Hindi. It's over. I'm SO HAPPY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I'd be even a bit remorseful but nope. Nothing at all. Just plain old joy :D

I'm going to miss Mrs. Dang though. She's been just awesome. But, I'm NOT going to miss the subject. I slept for approximately four hours the day before Hindi, which is actually pretty decent for Hindi (by my usual standards). The board paper was so unusually easy, I couldn't believe what I was reading. It was just plain e-a-s-y. I don't have much to say about the Hindi day either, because there was a LOT of revision and carsickness. :

No more Hindi !

*happy dance*

Now onto History. UGH !

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

ICSE '08 - Day 3

Phew ! The Economics exam's OVER. Over and done with. Yatta ! (Yatta = Yippee)

Today, I got to school ridiculously early and all of us (the entire Commerce class) spent the hour before the commencement of the Board exam in 10G1. Doing what ? Last minute cramming and frantic revising with one another, being nervous together, throwing random questions at each other, laughing to get rid of the nervousness, aromatherapy (in Mini's case :D) and just all that stuff we're prone to do before a particularly stressful exam.

Economics was the first exam I was a bit nervous for. During reading time, there were no addictive songs playing in my head (thankfully). I was practising the 'calm-yourself-as-there-is-nothing-else-you-can-do-anyway' tactic. A piece of advice - it works !

When we got the paper, I felt this sense of relief run through my entire body. I knew my stuff, I didn't blank out. After reading the paper, I wasn't nervous anymore. I wasn't completely confident either, but I felt much better.

The paper was simple and to the point, but it was THE longest paper in the history of .. Well, my life.

I wasted the whole of today. I really despise EVS. Or EVE. Whatever it is.

Monday, March 03, 2008

ICSE '08 - Day 2 [The Case Of The Possessive Songs]

Day two of the ICSE exams, and once again, it was pretty uneventful (which is actually a good thing).

I woke up on time (very surprisingly) and was ready a good fifteen minutes before we actually had to leave. Tokio Hotel was on at full blast and I was sitting around reading Asterix comics (I just started reading them all over again, because I've read everything else on my bookshelf five to six times). I didn't really feel like revising just then so I thought I would utilise the long drive to do so :). Finally, we left (Bhavi, Rayna and I together) and spent the car ride revising. We actually got there in twenty minutes ONLY. ONLY !! I could've slept more !


Anyway, I got down to some serious revising in school. Of course, after a while we met everyone else, and the group revision began. Group revision is just brilliant. Atleast the way we did it today ! Jumping around, asking each other random questions from here and there, and cracking up at the stupidest things ! Ah, the life :D

We were settled in the hall by 9 and Reading Time began at 9.15. As the examiners were walking around distributing the papers, the song 'Fall To Pieces' by Avril Lavigne was playing in my head. This happens to be a common (and very annoying) problem I face whenever I write an exam - the randomest songs keep playing over and OVER in my head, and it's VERY hard to get them out. VERY hard. They only get out of my head when I actually start writing. Today, it was 'Fall To Pieces' first.

I finally got the paper, and finished reading and checking everything pretty quick, and realized I still had around a good eight - nine minutes to spare. Damn. Atleast when I was reading the paper, the song wasn't in my head, but the moment I looked up from the paper, 'Falling For You' by Taking Back Sunday started playing. I put my head down in absolute frustration. I think I now understand why one of the nice examiners was looking at me all worriedly. She must've thought I was panicking about the paper. Haha, I couldn't exactly tell her the real reason for my panic !

I kept telling myself to FOCUS during the last few minutes of reading time.


Falling for you, falling for youuu !

"FOCUS, damn it !!"

Falling for you, falling for you, I fell for youu !

"AGH !"

Falling for youu !

(Oh, and also, those are pretty much the only lines I know from the song, so you can imagine my limit of frustration.)

After three minutes of 'conflict', I just started re-reading the paper and luckily, the song vanished. But, the best was still to come. During the last two minutes of reading time, 'Wanted!', one of the songs from the soundtrack of One Piece began playing in my head. This is a Japanese song, but I still knew a few lyrics here and there.

"Umaya Darida ? Orey Monkey. D. Luffy ! Kaizoku oni naru ottoke !"

This is when I truly wanted to hit my head REALLY hard against the table. I glanced at the clock and saw that there was only a minute to go. A minute !! And I had a VERY catchy Japanese song from my favorite show playing in my head. So what did I do ?



He said, "Start writing." So I took a deep breath, and began writing. After a couple of minutes, the song just faded off. :D

The paper was unexpectedly good. The easiest stuff came, and all the predictions turned out to be wrong.

Two down ! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee !